
Poisoned Fruit

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Mentioning of King Nazam, NPC Grey Guard, NPC Herdmembers

Autumn, Year 759 of the New Age
MoonPool, Oakfern Territory

Urs's Word Count: 1,308

The murmurs of confused fawnlings filled the air with a hum as they filed into the large cavern. Does and stags, teeny fawns and growing yearlings. Some came up to him, asking what was going on. Due to the last minuteness of this meeting through, the King hadn’t informed his group what exactly was going on.

Calmly though, he would reply the best he could. "Our king has an announcement for the herd." The stag watched their faces grow confused as they whispered in hushed tones, gathering in their respective places.

Nazam appeared at the overhang and the herd grew silent.

“We will return our numbers to the purity and beauty we once were. Tonight we cast out from ourselves the taint of shadows and death that seek to bleed us until there is nothing Oakfern left. Tonight we take the untrue and cast them out.” 

Urs glanced up at the king, before returning his eyes to crowd. If there ever was a situation to cause riot, Urs and his guards would be the first line of defense. It felt odd, being in his new position. He was happy but it would take some getting used to. He was no longer the one being completely told what to do and when to do it. The stag had some leadership now. Not the amount of their firm king of course, but enough to cause others to listen to him without having to be reasoned into doing it. An odd sensation indeed….and one that he strangely liked.. He was not power mad by any definition of the word, but this new feeling inside was one of pride. ~Pride is a dangerous thing when left unchecked though,~ the stag reminded himself. ~I must remain level headed.~

Nazam’s strong voice pulled him back out of his wonderings though.

From hence forth crossbred fawns will be removed from their traitor mothers side and sacrificed as fawns taken from the Oathbreakers- with Oathbreaker blood they do nothing but weaken us. In strength and Magic and Belief.” 

...banished upon pain of death should you betray this command. You will not further weaken our magics.”

The ultimatum he offered those already born of illborn blood...The decree in itself might as well have been a death sentence…

Urs’s ears shot forward. Even he was shocked by the king’s radical new rulings. The herd cried out in anger, many began to step forward in protest. Stags with racks barred, does with hooves poised.

The bear painted stag lept into action, barking commands at the guards to hold a firm line, not letting a single soul pass.

The Moonpool shifted, the air practically crackled at the intensity of the magic in the air. A wave rose behind the guard’s line, further intimidating and persuading any rabble rousers to step down. Urs’s pelt tingled. The magic was strong..but even Urs had the same ability of control over his powers. The stag practiced often in his secluded caverns, giving lessons to all who asked. The thing the King had though, was experiance controlling the water as a menacing tool. He used his magic mostly for control of the masses, not in defense of the herd’s safety.

No. Those thoughts were not safe. Not now anyways. Right now he needed to keep his mind clear, and perform his duty to both the king and the herd.  He needed to make sure Nazam was uninterrupted and that the herd was controlled from his wrath.

A little dark filly was brought forth, the first of many sacrifices under the new laws. Urs’s chest grew a little tight. Even without her paints, Urs knew that little fawn. He had saved her from a snake, and returned her safely to the care of her mother. The doe could be seen on the edge, having to be restrained by multiple guards. Her eyes found Urs and locked on. The plea clear. Her hate even clearer.

Pinning his ears flat against his neck, Urs clenched his teeth and grinded them as he dragged his gaze away from her. He could not stop Nazam. Not here. Not now. Not alone…

The filly went under, trapped by the very element that had saved her life, nurtured, and protected her through her short life. Water. A healer and a killer. Water, the gift from their Moon father. Gaelach. How did Gaelach feel of these new actions…. Without an Oracle to guard them, the herd would not truly know.

It was done. Dead, the fawn’s cold body sank below the surface.

“As Gaelach Wills it, so it shall be.”   The voice thundered over the caverns. Nazam turned, leaving the herd for his guards and captain to dismiss.

Panicked, some instantly shoved through the crowd and made a run for it. Mothers with their half blood fawns, does and stages fleeing for their own lives. Some of the guardsmen were hunting them down. No. This would not due. Nazam had offered them a way out, even if it might as well have been death… It was their right to escape the dark claws of the Warren they once called home.

“Hault!” Urs snapped, his claw painted hooves lashing out with firm blows to several unruly guardsmen. “You heard our king! It is their right.” his voice cut into their ears and one dared to defy him.

”You’re a mudblood sympathizer! You are not fit to be Captain.” a grey stag hissed, turning on Urs.

~Barely getting started and already challenged…~ Urs mentally grumbled.

“I will show you what happens when you break rank.” he snapped angrily. Normally a kind and reasonable stag, Urs was beyond that. This moment right here and now, was a threat to his life, and to anyone he may be able to help. If overthrown so easily, he would be of no help to anyone around him.

With a snort, the grey stag lowered his rack and charged.

Instantly Urs lowered his on and braced himself. As soon as they collided, Urs used his larger size to twist his head, throwing the grey stag onto the ground. Without hesitation, he seized the now melted wave, wrapping it around the opponent and pinning him to the ground. “Do you doubt me now?” Urs whispered in his ear, teeth bared in a dark ‘grin’.

He could feel the trapped stag reach out with his own magic, but Urs was stronger. The Bear smothered his victim with water until the grey stage choked out ”I yield!”

As fast as the water had appeared, it was gone, Urs stepped back and allowed the grey guard up. “Get back into your position and Stay there.” The captain ordered calmly.
Do you doubt me now? by Crimson-Forest-Farm

He turned away and trotted among the bits of the herd who still remained in the Cavern. He answered some questions and snaked the crowd apart, sending them back to their own caves.

It took a couple of hours, but at last the area was secured once more. Urs set up the new guard rotations and walked off, deeper into the tunnels where he lived.

The new decrees ringing in his ears. Banishment Surely rounding up the muddy blooded and escorting them out was an acceptable thing to do.


There was so little time, and only so much he could do. But Urs would help as many as he could under these new rules.

Oathbreaker Blood mixed with Oakfern. Creatures born with ancestors who suffered and those responsible.

He would help them, for they had not acted against the herd themselves, only cursed with the heritage of their enemy.

Head raised, he reached out with his magic, seeking those who hid and ran in all directions.

~Come to me. I will help you the best I can.~

Captain Urs is currently offering safe passage of half bloods/ mud bloods out of the Oakfern Caverns. There are many Guards and other Oakferns who would rather kill you on spot, but you all have been offered banishment, the right to escape and attempt a life elsewhere. Seek out Urs and he shall personally ensure you are all safely evacuated from the bloodbath.

NewNew Here is the google document for this event. 
Please read the rules carefully they are pretty short and simple :D (Big Grin)
Click here to view the rp and Join on In! There is no deadline. Hop on the bacon train and get involved :D (Big Grin)

The roots of the matter run miles deep
This is the era of eternal sleep
Please everybody now but please be advised
Nothing's going away just cuz' you're closing your eyes

This is the harvest of some rotten seeds
This surely isn't any mystery
This is the fruit of the poison trees
You better ask yourself what you believe

I see a stormin' is coming down
And I can feel my bones creak
I know you can feel it too
But you just to scared
Are you just to scared to speak?

I Highly suggest you listen to Poison Trees by Devil Makes Three. It's a bit bluegrassy sound but ohhh so catchy and very much fitting for Oakfern's current situation..
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